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"Indian police have detained about 350 people for questioning in connection with the Bombay train bombings, officials said Thursday, amid suspicion that Kashmiri militants could be linked to the attacks that killed at least 200 people.
Most of the detentions were made overnight in Malwani, a northeastern suburb of Bombay, said police Inspector S. Goshal. He said nobody has been formally arrested or charged, and the detainees were rounded up only for questioning to help with the investigations into Tuesday's bombings. Bombay police Commissioner A.N. Roy confirmed a large number of arrests had been made but refused to give an exact figure. Meanwhile, an Indian Foreign Ministry official demanded that Pakistan dismantle all terrorist networks on land it controls - but fell short of directly accusing India's nuclear-armed rival for the attacks. Pakistan's foreign minister denied his country bore responsibility.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh highlighted the achievements of this city of 16 million, which staggered back to life despite the attacks on the commuter train network. Eight bombs ripped through packed trains at rush hour, stunning a city that sees itself as the embodiment of India's global ambitions, where the country's business community and entertainment world come together. The number of dead has risen steadily as rescuers found more bodies and people died of their injuries. "